06 December, 2011

Madama Butterfly

Went with S and D to see the superlative relaunch of Minghella's seminal 2006 take on a timeless classic and a FKJ fixture. Placido Domingo conducting. We could not have been further back and while it would have been great to see the amazing production design up-close-and-personal the whole experience was pretty breathtaking regardless. Boasting an awful cold, i reined in my sniffles as best I could.
It's bloody hard though. and I failed, honking snot as the orchestra thundered to a close.

ah yes, revisiting it all.

O a me, sceso dal trono
dell'alto Paradiso,
guarda ben fiso, fiso di tua madre la faccia
che ten resti una traccia, guarda ben!
Amore, addio! addio! piccolo amor!
(con voce fioca)
Va, gioca, gioca!

yup. lost it again.

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