31 January, 2006


1. Huddle around a bottle of something
2. Get GIDDY and giggly
3. If you know nothing of films and who is in them, bow out gracefully, or volunteer to wash the dishes
4. Now, in clockwise fashion, take a long good look at your pals
5. Noooooooow, grab pen and paper.
6. Scribble on it who you think would best play them in film. There may be a striking physical resemblence or perhaps, something about their persona that SCREAMS them.
7. Be in turns flattered or appalled at what your friends REALLY think of you.

for those of you that gave me the jodie foster's thumbs up, i'll just say, errrrrrrr. and for THOSE of you that said MAGGIE SMITH (not naming any names..nappy?), fire and brimstone await you. now get cracking, i mean playing.


sxg said...

don't knock jodie - P and I could come up with someone even more unsavory to play you , as well you know...

Anonymous said...

maggie gyllenhaal. punto e basta.