20 November, 2006

what happens when your blog becomes a big inside joke

have you ever pressed next next next on the "next blog" and thought, this blog is CRAP


i have. you have. and the truth of the matter is, this is the question:
how many blogs are universal enough, eye-catching enough to grab your attention?
be they wrist-slashing or fug-you-fantastic.....?
i really know, personally, of only one exception (alberto/megan: a genuine connection).
if not, it's an abyss of KAK (i include myself in this midst).
i have no idea what generations from now are going to think of...
this verbal/visual diarrhea that we unleash on this infinite space. will they think us redundant? ridiculous?
all the aformentioned....
all i know is that (hopefully)
i, you and everyone i know
will go back, years from now...
scroll through the months and go "ah yes, i remember it well...those were the days...we/i/you were so happy"
and not even recall that
in fact
, no,
we were all fuking miserable
that the rose-tinted filter of time did us a service..
and that all that is gone,
is bliss.
and that all is left is

"It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a GREY absurd cosmos."

he he he


albeo said...

how many times does a bottle with a message in it end up on a beach and get picked up by a random stranger?

and does that stop you from putting that message in a bottle?

(I hate the sound of Police in my had now)

EFB said...

exhibitionists looking for their 15 minutes of fame?