26 November, 2007


this a new series being broadcast on the internet about the 20 somethings known as the blog generation.
essentially it features the female protagonist, looking attractively dishevelled, sprawled on a bed banging on about this and that and not very much on the webcam of her macbook. insights include: ``why do we blog. we blog to exist. therefore we are idiots.'' give me an E. give me an R.

on the plus side: it's scripted by the creators of my so-called live and once and again and thirtysomething. some am hoping the dialogue will pick up a bit.

on the down side: from what i've seen of it. it's pretty errrr. and am having a backlash against all forms of online social networking.


Anonymous said...

I don't approve of your backlash if it means we get less Pod. It's been annoying enough that you've been silent for -- what? -- 10 days. How would we manage an infinite future of nothing.

If you see what I mean.

sxg said...

oh hush, leduc
she's been dealing with real-life drama, as opposed to online drama.

we all know she can do both equally well, but...you know.

pal. tearsprung all of a sudden again