17 April, 2007

canadians do it better? eh! Abut!

degrassi more than a decade ago kindled my love for all things teen and cruddy..now it's the Next Generation...JOY!

Around the same time, out-and-proud Jersey boy Kevin Smith kindled my love in the garden state with his classic trilogy (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy)...

Ten years later...Silent Bob aka Smith has endeared himself ALL THE MORE by agreeing, out of love for Degrassi, to film one of the most inspired and hilarious cameo/skits ever with his partner in caper mischief, that foul-mouthed yet sexy in an utterly compelling yet repugnant way ...Jay
(incidentally, a rather dark, raven-headed chick bares an uncanny resemblance to our very own sicily or maybe it was that cowboy hat on her head that threw me off. )

i LOVE canada! i love NJ!


bogart said...

Were you implying I'm hot????
maybe no earings.. and a big black cross??

Anonymous said...

minga please........

Scorpio said...

Okso I am born in New Jersey, married a Canadian. Nirvana achieved. Think of the child we will bring into this world. The best of both worlds!