teen crud alert!
crud starved for years, i see promise in this. or will my hopes be hopelessly dashed?
crud starved for years, i see promise in this. or will my hopes be hopelessly dashed?
Disclaimer: all photos posted were taken by Lord Leng, armed with a Nikon and a huge motherflapping lens.
so, what to expect from the motley crew? no good could come of it obviously.
first we had the getting ready:
then some photo op:
and requisite narcissism from the usual suspects:
then we got round to matter at hand, drinking, sucking, dipping, posing:
some things done were best left unsaid:
and then there were the hangovers:
which of course didn't stop us from doing it all over again.
girls and boy, see you all for Porno!
bigger, better, more of the same!
well, as most of you are aware my top celluloid crush is 51 (CK!) and well, my latest most persistent one has err. barely turned 20.
am keeping it chaste and saying that while i have no time for the horrific twilight franchise (after seeing the EXECRABLE second installment) i have been a huge fan of Kristen Stewart's work since i took notice with into the wild and undertow. since then i have perked up and taken notice. looks like she will now be directed by brazil's walter salles (central do brasil!) in a new movie. here's to her continuing to make smart choices and to keep looking astonishingly beguilingly beautiful.
here's hoping i didn't come across too dirty old man. but if i did, can you blame me?
in every trip J takes overseas she invariably whips herself into a state of mild hysteria. the fears, as one would imagine, are the usual suspects that cannot be named because, you know, one cannot tempt fate. one particular favourite of mine is dengue fever. it is horrid, obviously, you contract the virus most foul from pesky mosquitoes and, winningly, it lies dormant the little fucker. therein lies the disclaimer. hard to argue with her that she she does not have it, because you know, it could snap out of dormancy any time. Anyhoooow. there is a lot of repeated touch wooding when she takes off anywhere (I have chosen path of least resistance and comply). This time to South Africa no less. In spite of seeming a bit of a scary cat she is actually a pretty brave badger and is going on a tigers-lions-and-bears-oh-my safari on her own.