09 April, 2006

Gwragedd Annwn

by Micha F. Lindemans (© MCMXCV - MMVI Encyclopedia Mythica™)
Water-spirits from Wales. These lovely creatures are known to choose mortal men as their husbands. One legend has it that they live in a sunken city in one of the many lakes in Wales. People claim to have seen towers under water and heard the chiming of bells.
In earlier times, there used to be a door in a rock and those who dared enter through it came into a beautiful garden situated on an island in the middle of a lake. In this garden there were luscious fruits, beautiful flowers and the most lovely music, besides many other wonders. Those brave enough to enter were welcomed by the Gwragedd Annwn and were invited to stay as long as they wanted, on the condition that they never took anything back from the garden.
One visitor ignored the rule and took a flower home with him. As soon as he left the island, the flower disappeared and he felunconsciousus to the ground. From that day on, the door has been firmly closed and none has ever passed through it again.

mmm.. basically, don't fuk with the the goo-RAHG-eth AHN-oon.
we've driven the wee ones underground when we stopped believing in them. mmm. or perhaps they found us so revolting that they really wanted nothing more to do with us. also perfectly legitimate. mah, i do miss them. a world without faeries is is no world at all. there is a beautiful lake near our house. a perfect refuge for a GOO-RAHG. i should pop over to say hi.

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