13 April, 2006

well, well, well. on monday i'll be doing my very first ``call-in talk'' responding to keen listeners' questions and answers about the italian election. everything you ever wanted to know about the oompa loompa and ham features. but were too afraid to ask. people care apparently. who would have thought that locals tuning into the ``Minnesota Public Radio'' (the land of FARGO) would give a toss. i plan on being irreverent and drunk (aka true to myself), live from maremma maiala. among the cow pats and the angry boar.

1 comment:

Lady V said...

dude. i suspect you do not know who I am. But:

1. We went to the Guinness Factory. The oompa loompas were present. if only in my gin-addled brain.

2. I will phone up. Drunken angry boars and my bread and butter. if not my mirror image.

3. That's as may. be. Lucky bitches. I'm just saying.

Bit pissed now.Filling in time before my next internet date. Which isn't to say that I don't love you.
