20 September, 2006

if you had one day left, what would you do?


albeo said...


albeo said...


Lady V said...

The way I'm feeling old girl, i've only got an hour left on this planet - max....

Have a G&T and chainsmoke 4 Marlboro lights. That's what I'd do.

albeo said...

on second thought, I definitely would have sex. three times in a row. possibly with more than one person at the time. then eat something delicious like a massive plate of sushi from roka or roast piglet from st john's or those ravioli from caino in montemerano. possibly try something i never had before, like jelly-fish or bull's tongue. then I'd get as many friends as I can around my table and get massively stoned/drunk/fucked on some substance. then pass out. or possibly jump from a building before the end of the 24 hours, just to make a point.

FKJ said...

i would tell the person i loved that i will always love her
i would tell the person i love, will you you love me?
i would tell the boys who love me, don't bother
i would tell the girls who love me, forget it
i would tell my mother, nothing. she knows
i would tell my father, the last two graphs of the dead by joyce. that irish mothafuka.
i would tell my sister, the grave
i would tell my best friend till death do us part. and hope it's true.
i would tell my tears. don't dry
i would tell my laughter. don't wrinkle.
i would tell my drink. don't finish
i would tell my life. don't last.

i would tell myself. ever. neither of the above.
fuk tomorrow.

MicNic said...

well I'd quit social smoking, don't want to die of cancer.
I'd quit drinking, don't want to die a drunk
I'd have write, produce and cast my 3 night tele-movie special
I'd have to compose the soundtrack
I'd have to meet with Elton John to re-work the candle in the wind lyrics for me
I'd have to write 23000 blog entries and set up my comp to publish one a day. That way, no one will notice I've gone
Then once that's all done, I'd pull myself stupid

soo much to do

MicNic said...

actually, i'd have to ask for an extension

bogart said...

I will be the happiest person in the world. Free eventually of not being.

Buy substances
Collect friends
Dance, laugh, have sex - more than once.

Then I'll jump on an electrical wire (I've always been convinced that if you don't touch the ground, like birds, you don't get electrified). If I'm right have a line and jump off a cliff possibly overlooking the sea, otherwise well people will know that humans get electrified doesn't matter what!)
Peace, freedom at last.

But I'll leave a message

Please please please don't not put me in this world again I never wanted to be here and I never accepted it.
and stop ringing me every day ( hope graves don't come with afterlife communication nowadays)

albeo said...

God I miss your blogging totty.