19 October, 2006

Gimme a D! Gimme a U!

Gimme an M! Gimme a P!

what does that spell?

uh-huh, that's right Finland

and their contribution to world cuisine:

mämmi, a dark brown porridge made of water and sweetened rye malt.



sxg said...

you know, i wouldn't have wished FINDUMPLAND on my worst enemy, let alone my best friend.
my thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of need.
hurry back

albeo said...

What did you expect in a country that just won the Eurovision Song Contest with a band named Lordi?

What can I say... we all pay a heavy price for our sins sooner or later.

In your case, darling, sooner.

FKJ said...

turning into quiet the catholic zealot. poster size images of `mission,' talk fo sin and finnish atonement.....mmmmm...totty?
6:12 a.m. still atonining in helsinkia
10:45 p.m. your turn after a certain someone sees a certain someone wearning a certain spiderman something or other