13 October, 2006

a taste of the future a one-act play

O: soon enough, i'm predicting like in a year or so...we won't even have to open our mouths. the oneness will be so complete that we'll just be in constant stitches reading eah other's minds
f: i know. the whole talking thing has become somewhat redundant i find.


o: *nods*
f: *loud chuckle*
..*fist in hand*
0: *nods knowingly*
f: *knows that tonight there isn't a chance in hell she will go with to the film festival. instead gets lost in thought thinking about watching NIGHTWATCH and listening to music in oats central*
f: *thinks to herself: bliss*
O: *agrees vehemently!!!!*
f: *passing concern for maude abandonment quickly dispelled*
O: *thinks of which enoteca to hit on the way home*
f: *thinks: buy 2 pack of fags!*
o: *wonders if pal will answer her phone*
f *indignant!*

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