19 December, 2006

chico buarque de hollanda

"He writes every day. His country of birth and city of residence still surprise him. 'Every time I drive into Rio from the airport, I see the city for the first time and think how strange it is,' he says. But it is here in the glamour capital of Brazil where the favelas [shanty towns] cling to the mountain sides and Christ the Redeemer stands with open arms to offer protection to the city, that Buarque finds his inspiration. He worries about Brazil's escalating violence. He believes in the democracy of the beach and the passion of football. He supports Rio's home team Fluminense. On his study wall is a framed photograph of himself as a young man with Bob Marley. Both are dressed in football strip. 'Good times,' he says.

A helicopter's shadow passes suddenly overhead. Somewhere a dog begins to bark. It is time for his stroll along the pavement of what is arguably the most famous beach in the world. In Rio even Chico Buarque can walk freely on the beach." (guardian 2004)

Amou daquela vez como se fosse maquina
Beijou sua mulher como se fosse lógico
Ergueu no patamar quatro paredes flacidas
Sentou pra descansar como se fosse um passaro
E flutuou no ar como se fosse um principe
E se acabou no chao feito um pacote bebado
Morreu na contramao atrapalhando o sabado

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