28 December, 2006

DAY TWO in new house

so. put out my back trying to fix the flipping murphy. strapped on some underwear from back in the day i wore any onto maude. the flapping mutt has been on the rag for a week now. how long do dog periods last anyway? she's poker dotted the new house. also can't work out the washing machine or rather the spinner so am craddling myself to sleep to the drip dripping of wet clothes. all i need now is maude to pee in the rug and my crappy/fab day will be complete. oh no internet of course. erm.
yes. er


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the virginity thing. Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.

Becky Flash said...

Oh great, now that you've recovered the comments, I've said the same thing twice. And it wasn't funny either time. Woo.