06 January, 2007

cous cous a la pod (an homage to nappy)

This is a super easy dish that's quite refreshing on the palate and takes less than 15 minutes to prepare and cook!

Ingredients (err)
well a glass of couscous from a box
some chickpeas from a can
some parsley handed out from the shop
some salt
some boiled water (glass of)

fennel. tomatoes from the tomato man.
Bung it in. all together.
a splash of goodwill. a sprinkle of faith.

yes. anyway my guest ate it and seemed to rather enjoy it. i await her glowing praise. that's ONE 2007 target out of the way.


MicNic said...

and what is best to drink with this dish?

Becky Flash said...

Whoops, need to comment here. Totally enjoyed it. Wholesome and such. And what goes with that, M? TWO BOTTLES OF PROSECCO and a regrettable episode of drunk dialing. Ah.

Scorpio said...

Would like to have this meal prepared on my next visit. I will bring the wine. Not the whine.