29 January, 2007

teen crud alert

these are hard times for the teen-cruds, i'm afraid. slim pickings. for a while they were coming thick and fast and good. "Clueless" gave the moribund genre a much-needed boot up the arse in 1995 and its literary-inspired premise gave birth to a spate of wee crackers...all taking their cue from the great bard..."She's All That" ... "Ten Things I Hate About You"..."Bring it On" alas, the brief revival went tits up far too soon.

and now i get excited by anything i can get my mittens on. i give to you errrr...
"stick it." at least it has my beloved jeff bridges in it.

R.I.P. teen crud. you saved my world (a lot)


Becky Flash said...

I second that emotion re: Bridges. Best role ever: Barney in _The Vanishing_. Shitty remake, but a lot of Kiefer and a totally amazing Bridges as the frumpy villain. Discuss.

Anonymous said...

ooooooooh finest role???! no way

i would argue


bogart said...

darling fasting is really hitting hard on you.
We must have been the only two people to have watched this movie.
This is not the general of movie you watch, no even if you maskered the shame in the name of her hotness