30 January, 2007

unstoppable urge to bake

day 6 of the fast is wrapping up...

tongue: yellow
skin: 4 spots that takes me back to age 17
smell: hightened
sleep: early
mood: upbeat
ditziness: minimal
smoking: marginally less
craving for booze: non-existent

so everything as anticipated...
But for a
welcome side-effect: the unbearable lightness of baking

as i finish off my second cake (my personal favourite "torta di riso") i am plotting my third, and fourth. right now can think of nothing better than to be covered in flour.


Scorpio said...

Love hearing about your nesting/homemaking tendencies.

This fast is interesting. Let me know if your booze craving comes back. I am interested as a juicer in the outcome.

Becky Flash said...

Pod...um...what exactly are you doing with these cakes while you're fasting?

FKJ said...

i give them away!!!