12 March, 2007

``NO she DIDN'T''

live, from lagos, our guest blogger: z

context: fonda (f) discusses a meeting with garbo (g) in her autobiography. and mentions that g asks her to join her to swim. z and ffrap debate ensue over whether garbo is pervy predator or misunderstood soul.

z's take
g: little janey you look quite nice in that maillot.
f: who are you, old naked lady?
g: they call me garbo.
f: you're famous.
g: you're hot. come swim naked with me.
f: daddy! help. old butch bag is hitting on me.

ffrap's take
g: i vant to go for a swim
f: OH! can i come!
g: come
later in the sea. garbo as par abitude is in the nude. fonda, age 11, isn't
g: Are you going to be an actress?
f: i don't think i have any talent
g: I bet you do, and you're pretty enough to be one.

Minutes later, an argument ensues
z: garbo tried to seduce fonda
f: no she DIDN'T you &&(*^&^*&^ bixch. i've read the book. you haven't. you're totally perverting the truth. this is just not on. you're totally out of line
z (quietly chuckling): am repeatedly amazed at how you allow yourself to be wound up!
f: am NOT wound up. i just don't understand how you could come to such a conclusion. it's just not true. blah blah blah blah
z: garbo hit on fonda!
f: no she DIDN'T! *&)*()*()&*(&*((
z: fooooonda!


Unknown said...

I'm pretty glad you had this debate.
it certainly had been playing on my mind.

(am online now again btw after pccw snafu)

Anonymous said...

f: blog updated.
z: hahaha
f: you realize that she DIDN'T, right?? I just need to know.
z: She didn't?
f: she didn't hit on fonda!