02 May, 2006

the strange incident of the DVD
OKSO. while mommy z went to work one morning to earn the money to keep us in the style we're accustomed too (fully stocked fridge with no food and plenty to drink), p and f did spend one an afternoon in the house without power, books or nibbles. not exactly bored of each other's faces but hankering for fresh stimuli, we thought we'd slip in a little dvd. little did we know that tackling the nigerian wiring would be quite an ordeal. so after unplugging this and that and trying every technological variation known to man, f royally screwed up z's set-up. cue deer-in-headlights expression and feigned innocence when z LOST THE PLOT, and snapped ``did anyone tough the wires''. instant denial ensued.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did anyone TOUGH the wires?? clack. clack. and how could you watch a dvd if indeed there was on power? clack. and there were tons of books, so why didn't you read those. don't misrepresent the facts. you wily liar! clack. clack.