22 May, 2006


still a bit tipsy from last night not to mention incensed that the bar i happened to be at refused to serve my drink of choice: vodka and red bull (``E' pericoloso'' --clearly they haven't seen me without it)
-- FRIDAY partied successfully. flirtata emerged after a couple of drinks. crowbar emerged after a few more.
-- SATURDAY passed out on an oaty futon watching films. fell in love with an ape. more fodder to fuel new-found obsession welcomed
-- SUNDAY ran a 5K. no photographic evidence (shorts and sports bra are not fetching) but lots of witnesses to attest to the fact that one can be a runner in spite of the boozing and the smokin'. naps, unimpressed with my sprinting off in defiance of an agreement to run together, broke a record getting back to the house. she couldn't wait to tuck into a bowl of ravioli at 11:07 a.m.

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