22 May, 2006

When best friends become old marrieds

a one-act play

f: i expect you to burn a CD TONIGHT of oldham
O: errrrr. heil
f: don't err me or gimme the blank cds back
O: don't order me around or you'll lose access to your font of music
f: stop being a grump
O: you started it
f:you've errring and oaty all day.
O: and i am never grumpy until you start telling me that
f: you were scowl central this morning.
O: no. i walked in and you didn't even bat an eyelash when i said
hey. just scowled at your screen. so i knew, of course, that you
were hung over
f: i was *NOT* hungover

the end

The characters herein are fictitious and any resemblance to any other person, real or fictitious, is purely coincidental

after the credits

f: might get a wee icecream
O: i love how you always say wee or little when really you mean masive

O: fix that typo in my speech! i said massive. not masive
f: ufffffffffff

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