16 June, 2007

a spot of wagner

one act play

a few bottles of prosecco...

l: play wagner!
f: erm...excuse me? you're drunk. take a NAP. we're going out in half an hour
l: play richard! pleaseeeeeeee!
f: erm...anything in particular. i have a fair bit..
l: you know the one!

f hazards a banal guess.....
prelude and scene from act III otherwise known as the ride of the Valkyries

l is moaning/groaning/doing SOMETHING loudly and throwing her arms up in the air. maude, the teutonic, has gone NUTS.

f: right. am cutting YOU BOTH off. enough.

the end.

1 comment:

Lady V said...

Oh the little german sausage..... I like a bit of strident rampaging myself at times. We all do, don't we?