20 June, 2007

when life is a living template

poor oats has to churn out template upon template on eco stats...as part of the daily grind. ever so often i chip in...but ever so often oats likes to veer away from the set-in-stone formulaic style and proffer novel reasons for why the economy truly sucks. it's not interestrates or oil prices. or exchange rates. no... no..

Italian consumer confidence unexpectedly plummeted in June after
Maude Krause-Jackson, the country's most aggressive mascot, ripped
her mother's wardrobe apart, exacerbating the effects of rising taxes
and higher interest rates on the household's combined income.

so now you know it. June has been BRUTAL on the krause-jackson family of two. a struggling singleparent just trying to make ends meet and cram a couple of prosecchi in the mix, to take the edge off.

STILL, you can never rule anything out..as oats, ever-watchful writes...

Italian consumer confidence rose unexpectedly in June as the
country's top women's league soccer club won their first ever match,
aided by midfielder Flavia Krause-Jackson who scored a surprise goal
from the sidelines.
``Italians are crazy about soccer and that goal by Krause-Jackson
was a CRACKER!'' said economist and Serie B fan Chuckles O'
Houlihan-Rossi. ``Especially since she was on her arse when she
kicked it. She'll never be called as useless as a fart in a jamjar again.''

1 comment:

Scorpio said...

LOVE THIS! Remember when we wrote our own obituaries in Bloomberg style? F was killed while trying to score some drugs downtown. I burned to death in my apartment, per F. I believe she described me as "40ish". *(&*()^&(^*&(%&%*&!!!