04 February, 2007

How do you like me?

big, bulky, dense, sweeping, invariably tragic. possibly russian. but german will do just as well. what am i banging on about? why novels of course. and the joys of staying up till 4 a.m. with your book of choice. and know it's ok because it's not a week day.


Lady V said...

Nora and Grace. Dense, sweeping, tragic. Just the way you like it. And I insist you stay up until 4. Even if it's a week night.

bogart said...

allo?? What happened to the nice and healthy going out?

Anonymous said...

what's unhealthy about staying up to read? eh? had broccoli/ginger basmati rice for dinner. health. tick.

followed by 2 bigne'

FKJ said...

tots v. am all over it like a love rash.