28 February, 2007

best thing i've seen in a while

** and making its way to the country soon **

''Jorge Sanchez-Cabezudo finds an unlikely home forfilm noir in the forgotten hinterlands of the Spanish interior with his gripping, assured debut "The Night of the Sunflowers." A dark, substantial plotline parceled out over six increasingly tantalizing episodes and an intimate knowledge of the dynamics of Spanish rural life are the twin foundations for a beguiling piece with a shot at welding Spanish concerns to a U.S. genre. At home, word of mouth has generated unexpectedly decent B.O. for an item that should take root at fests and has the kind of cult appeal that could see it blossom offshore.''

** and since ANY excuse is a good one to bang on about subtitles. this spanish DVD has english subtitles. unlike italian DUBBED ones.


Anonymous said...

You can't go wrong with a good noir, can you?

Anonymous said...

don't we know it. nice little stash of films when you next meander your way to the rolling hills of tuscany