20 February, 2007

one-act play

tell me what i want to hear

f: hey darling
p: hi sweetie. been reading one of your marlene books. the one by her daughter
f: AND?
p: it's good. LOTS of gossip. i love it
f: remember you prefer greta
p: do i? this has great stuff on when marlene is old and she won't stop drinking. she pays people on the street to bring her booze
f: you can tell me the truth you know....
p: no


Scorpio said...

She's trying to imply that I pay homeless people to buy me booze. Not necessary. I live with a Canadian who is only too happy to make runs to the liquor store.

Written as I down my second gin and tonic of the evening.

sxg said...

no she's trying to protest that she doesn't like marlene. TOLD YOU SO