18 February, 2007

mother and daughter obsessions

simone weil

f: mamma, am having a mental block, what was the name of that jewish-born french woman with a thing for the cathars who starved herself to death?
m: simone weil
f (secretly pissed she couldn´t remember): ah yes
m: she is one my heroines
f (doesn't want to agree but, when she´s right, she´s right...): yes, mine too


sxg said...

you lost your phone??
i knew you couldn't handle madrid without me there to babysit you

Anonymous said...

i was totally sober. just wiped out. feverish. and jet lagged

ok. fine. yes.

am a mess when i´m far from you for too long.

sxg said...

oh pal. you should have just crowbarred it like the last time we were there. could have saved yourself a lot of trouble (and headaches, i imagine)