16 March, 2009

proud home owners

"you look as if you've proudly offed the previous tenants!" -- oats


Tom said...

Which they very well may have. Do we know exactly how the old lady died? We do not. Do we know the whereabouts of tots A and V at the time? We do not. Would we put it past them? Certainly not.

FKJ said...

suspiciously they seem to be in a hurry to remove all incriminating evidence. the loo in the library, for one.

sxg said...

to be fair, i ALSO said they may have simply EATEN them...

albeo said...

The loo has been declared a piece of art and will be moved to Tate Modern where the masses will be able to enjoy its meaningful beauty.

Lady V said...

Life imitating art. That's all I'll say, innit?