10 December, 2007

i am a shipper of.....

according to urban dictionary:

The term "shipper" comes from supporting a ship. To ship something means a person wants two characters to get together and/or shows support for two characters already together. The term "ship" came from the X-Files fandom, when fanfics were written about Mulder and Scully. The fans then called themselves shippers.

nowadays you try and BLEND and FUSE together the name of the two characters you "ship"
often with frankly ridiculous outcomes such as er...gizzie...

so i thought i would come up with some of my own

flavio + nappy = flappy

tot A + vestibule = totibule or vestot

filippo + alberto = filalb shortened to flab

paul + molly = polly

filippo + molly = folly

flavia + maude = flaude

ok that is quite enough nonsense for one night. 3 hours under the pissing rain talking to tramps and an assortment of serbs at a soup kitchen has done my head in.


Lady V said...

Au contraire, ma chere amie. I think you're rocking it tonight.


MicNic said...

f + nutter

FKJ said...

would that make me and you micNut shortened to McNut?

MicNic said...

F + Goer = Foer

sxg said...


fic nic.


ok yeah, i'm not on a roll, and i may be tipsy, but i'm a flappy, too!

oooh what about mic nickle?