30 August, 2006

the block of the cock

there has been plenty of cockblocking recently. F has done a bang-up job of doing it on herself without the help of others for reasons known to no one, not even herself. P in the distant past has welcomed F's ability to step in and cockblock, in the most literal sense of the word, unprompted and unwanted, and Z's little slip into trecherous bell-jar waters was successfully cockblocked today by a combined intervention.

so......here's a little ditty to the cocks and the blockers. in whichever form it may take...

one-act play inspired by real-life events
p: f, scram.
f: er. what's that, p? sure, i'd like another drink.
(random exits exhausted by f's feigned cluelessness.)
p: bixch
f: you'll thank me one day.
cut to: one day
p: thank you.

cut to: another day.
f: i like someone. i better avoid.
z: 10-line whine.
(f listens)
z: i have an inkling of hope. from the depths of darkness comes a ray of light.
f: steady on old girl!


MicNic said...

Because they got the block on lock
The trunk stay locked
Glock on cock
The block stay hot
Block on lock
The trunk stay locked
Glock on cock
The block stay hot

What she say?
I said,
Block on lock
The trunk stay locked
Glock on cock
The block stay hot

FKJ said...

block and lock alright.

Lady V said...

blockin' ell....