11 August, 2006

one-act play

O:errrr feel like an icecream
F: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this happens once a year
O: i know. andiamo

later at the ice-cream store
F: i'll have fig, no wait waterlemon, no fig.
O (chuckles): uh-huh
F: what? i like my fruits!
O (turns to ice-cream woman): i'll have banana
F (chuckles back) ; that also happens once a year

in the elevator:
o: wow! you've really barreled your way through that fruit!
f: mmhm. and i see you're laboring over that banana over there

o: whew! i finished mine. god that was huge.
f (already contemplating seconds): oh pal. til next year

signed, oats and crowbar

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