18 August, 2006

Midgets: an enduring oat-ian and crowbar-ish obsession

we spotted one today. at the piazza. with the added bonus of a hunchback.
now i know this is unsavoury. very politically incorrect, infantile, possibly sick but dammit if i can't indulge this fad on this forum, where else am i going to do it? oats was feeling very inspired today and dug up a few CRACKERS

midgets -take one

midgets -take two

and for anyone feeling lonely, date a little

and for a classic piece of dialogue about little people, Living in Oblivion (1995)
starring none other than CK, who plays an actress on the set of an indipendent movie. she has to re-enact a dream sequence that includes little person Tito, who is very unthrilled and voices his displeasure to the director (Steve Buscemi).

Tito: Why does my character have to be a dwarf?
Nick: He doesn't have to be.
Tito: Then why is he? Is that the only way you can make this a dream, to put a dwarf in it?
Nick: No, Tito, I...
Tito: Have you ever had a dream with a dwarf in it? Do you know anyone who's had a dream with a dwarf in it? No! I don't even have dreams with dwarves in them. The only place I've seen dwarves in dreams is in stupid movies like this! "Oh make it weird, put a dwarf in it!". Everyone will go "Woah, this must be a fuckin' dream, there's a fuckin' dwarf in it!". Well I'm sick of it! You can take this dream sequence and stick it up your ass!

before i wrap this up.
midget and dwarf i realize are different things. i just like the word MIDGET

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